############################################################################### For seasonal_data.csv ############################################################################### *seasonal_data.csv: contains monthly-averaged sporadic meteor and ozone data The columns represent the following: year The year of the observations month The month (1-12) of the observations PT_count Total number of PTs associated with sporadic meteors for the given month (only includes trains >1 minutes) deep_count Number of sporadic meteors that terminated below 93.5 km PT_percent Percentage of sporadic meteors that ended below 93.5 km which produced PTs (PT_count/deep_count*100) PT_ci_lower Lower 95% confidence interval value for the monthly PT occurrence rate (in %) PT_ci_upper Upper 95% confidence interval value for the monthly PT occurrence rate (in %) O3_vmr_average Monthly average peak O3 volume mixing ratio (vmr) value of the secondary O3 maximum, from SABER [ppmv] O3_vmr_STD Standard deviation of the above peak O3 measurements for the given month [ppmv] PT_derived_O3_estimate Estimate of ozone using the PT_percent value and Eqn 1 [ppmv] residual Difference between SABER O3 and PT-derived O3 (SABER - PT estimate) [ppmv] Eqn 1: 0.414*PT_percent+6.149 ############################################################################### For shower_O3_data.csv ############################################################################### *shower_O3_data.csv: contains meteor shower and ozone data for showers that produced >15 meteors w/ 5 or more ending below 93.5 km The columns represent the following: IAU_code Three-letter IAU shower code total_count Total number of meteors associated with the particular shower deep_count Number of meteors that terminated below 93.5 km total_PTs Total number of PTs associated with the shower (only includes trains >1 minutes) PT_percent_deep Percentage of meteors that ended below 93.5 km and produced PTs (total_PTs/deep_count*100) PT_ci_lower Lower 95% confidence interval value for the PT rate of each shower (in %) PT_ci_upper Upper 95% confidence interval value for the PT rate of each shower (in %) O3_vmr_average Average peak O3 vmr of the secondary O3 maximum for the meteors of the given shower [ppmv] O3_vmr_STD Standard deviation of the above peak O3 measurements for the given shower [ppmv] ############################################################################### For PT_durations.csv ############################################################################### *PT_durations.csv: contains the average ozone breakdown per PT duration bin The columns represent the following: train_duration_minutes The duration of the meteor trains, binned into the given intervals [minutes] O3_vmr_average Average peak O3 vmr of the secondary O3 maximum for the trains of the given duration bin [ppmv] O3_vmr_STD Standard deviation of the above peak O3 measurements for the given duration bin [ppmv]